Position Yourself As An Authority, Attract Qualified Leads, Build Your Brand And Increase Your Connections …Effortlessly
Go from Blank Page to Bestseller in 90-Days or Less.
Writing A Book Is The Most POWERFUL Marketing Way To
Build Your BUSINESS, Your BRAND & Your LEGACY.
Do it FASTER and EASIER than you ever thought possible.
(In 90 days or less!)
Dear Friend,
Every single day I speak with authors who confide in me that they… wrote the wrong book.
Or they don’t know how to MARKET their book.
…so very few people ever get to read their book.
And they’re confused how to Profit with their book.
This book will help you solve those problems.
It will show you how to write the right book, in 90-days or less, and how to turn it into your MOST POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL.
How do I know this is possible?
I’m not proud to admit it, but it took me over 20 years to write and publish my first book. Then, once I figured this out, my wife and I significantly increased our lifestyle ==> within 12-months of publishing my 1st book!
Here’s what I discovered:
*Becoming an author is the most powerful thing you can do for your business, your brand, and your legacy.
*Becoming an author is the most powerful thing you can do for your business, your brand, and your legacy.
It would be my honor to help you SHARE YOUR MESSAGE with the world.
Your time is running out.
How many people are going to show up at your funeral?…
What will people say and remember about you?
What’s your LEGACY going to be?
It’s easy to think of your legacy as a “cute concept.”
Possibly it sits in the background of your mind and is something you’ll get around to when you’re close to your DEATHBED.
Possibly it sits in the background of your mind and is something you’ll get around to when you’re close to your DEATHBED.
(But by that time, it’s too late.)
Recently a friend (and a previous client) of mine took his own life.
He’d wanted to share his message with the people he cared about most…
==> His wife.
==> His kids.
==> And, his father.
==> His kids.
==> And, his father.
But, they’ll never read his book.
You have a RESPONSIBILITY to share it with the world.
There are people out there who need your help.
Believe me… there’s nothing worse than spending (wasting) countless hours of the time, and energy and money and frustration on the WRONG BOOK.
And it’s DANGEROUS to your business, your brand and your reputation, to become a published author, with a book that sucks.
Or with marketing that sucks. Or having a book that doesn’t help you MEET YOUR MISSION.
What if you did all that work, only to discover that you wrote the wrong book. What if you do all that work, and it doesn’t help you advance your mission? Or, your vision? Or, help you promote yourself, your brand, or your business?
Well, this book is going to help you make sure you don’t make those mistakes.
When you write the WRONG book, you WASTE your time and energy, and ultimately you sabotage the success a book can create for you, and the impact it can have on others.
Done correctly, becoming a published author can build a LEGACY that transcends time.
At the same time, it can build your personal brand, it creates powerful lead-generation ‘magnets’ that you can use in your marketing, it helps you attract the action of the media, it can give you FREE publicity, it can promote your cause or mission, or philosophy.
You can use a book fame, fortune, or fulfillment…
It’s proven. A book is the most powerful action you can take!
AUTHORITY, CREDIBILITY, and TRUST with your ideal audience who then begin to DESIRE you, and your PRODUCTS and SERVICES.
With The Right Book, You Will:
- Position yourself and your brand as an AUTHORITY in your marketplace
- Gain INSTANT credibility with your audience
- Get more qualified LEADS, consistently
- Build a strong DESIRE to work with you
- Increase your CLOSING ratio, even after INCREASING your fees
- PROMOTE your cause or mission in the world!
By the end of this book, you will have the clarity to know what to do first,
what to do next, what to do last, and exactly how to get your book done fast.
what to do next, what to do last, and exactly how to get your book done fast.
You’ll know how to write the RIGHT book, (one that you’re proud of)
and you’ll have confidence, knowing how you will use it to GROW your business.
and you’ll have confidence, knowing how you will use it to GROW your business.
Writing A Book Can Set You Free.
Proof This Will Work For You…
Lisa Chastain
Yes, Trevor helped me become a #1 Bestselling Author. But it was so much more than that…

Mark Purnell
Trevor has been an invaluable helping me finish my book, become a bestseller, and negotiate some of the biggest consulting deals I’ve ever offered.

Dr. Mimi Secor
With Trevor’s help, my book hit #1 and added HUNDREDS of new clients. And I’ve added 5 new people to a brand new high ticket programhe helped me create. Thank you!

Some Of My #1 Bestselling Author Clients…
As I said earlier…
It’s not a matter of “if” you can do it.
I believe the real question is “when” will you do it.
I’ve helped countless people, tell their story, share their message, and craft POWERFUL marketing and monetization strategies beyond their books to earn BIG money. And make BIG difference.
People just like you. Let me repeat that…
Phenomenal people (just like you) have found their voice, shared their message, became bestselling authors, and made BIG money – all at the same time. With plenty of time leftover to enjoy their new lifestyle.
You’ll read about many of them in this book. Who knows… Your name could soon be on this list.
But first, you have to get your copy!
Now, you might be wondering “who” I am…
and what “qualifies” me to write this book.
I was born the son of a horseshoer.
Growing up, in Phoenix, AZ, my family struggled to put food on the table, and pay the bills.
My biggest fear was that I’d never amount to anything.
After many ups and downs, and hard work, I achieved what I thought was “SUCCESS” because I was making “millions of dollars…”
Then, in 2009, my greatest fears came true, I lost everything and filed a $2.2 Million Dollar Bankruptcy.
The humiliation was the most painful thing I’ve ever had to go through.
And while I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, this was one of the greatest gifts of my life.
(If you hang-out with me long enough, or read one of my books, you’ll find out why I think that.)

It’s not where we start in life, that matters. It’s not our failures or even our successesdefine us.
Eventually, I got back up again. And as I was building my life back, I felt pulled to finally “write my book,” and share my story. To use it, and the challenges I’d gone through to make a difference.
I finally got serious. And I decided to get some help. So, I hired a mentor.
With his guidance. My wife and I both published books that became #1 bestsellers in under 24 hours. That felt great.
But what felt better than that, we used our books to help us 10X our lifestyle.
But what felt better than that, was that we didn’t have to work as hard. We didn’t have to try to CONVINCE people to buy from us. We raised our fees, but we did so because we were adding more value to peoples lives.
You see… Our books turned into our most POWERFUL marketing tools.
Our books built TRUST with our IDEAL AUDIENCE and it created a DESIRE for them to want to work with his. No more “selling” and “convincing.”
Instead, we were in SERVICE. Every single day.
In short …
I believe we are all put on this earth to make a difference. And, every day I go out and do my best to do just that. Your book, the RIGHT BOOK, can help you do that.
And in my book, you’ll learn how YOU can use this method to create a substantial income BEHIND and BEYOND your book without the hassles of traditional publishing.
And you can get it done FAST.
Add a ZERO to the number of people you helped last year, and tell me… Do you like that number?
I did.
But what felt better than that, was that we didn’t have to work as hard. We didn’t have to try to CONVINCE people to buy from us. We raised our fees, but we did so because we were adding more value to peoples lives.
You see… Our books turned into our most POWERFUL marketing tools.
Our books built TRUST with our IDEAL AUDIENCE and it created a DESIRE for them to want to work with his. No more “selling” and “convincing.”
Instead, we were in SERVICE. Every single day.
In short …
I believe we are all put on this earth to make a difference. And, every day I go out and do my best to do just that. Your book, the RIGHT BOOK, can help you do that.
And in my book, you’ll learn how YOU can use this method to create a substantial income BEHIND and BEYOND your book without the hassles of traditional publishing.
And you can get it done FAST.
This Book Will Show You …
- The PROVEN path to becoming a published author FAST
- WHY a book is your most powerful marketing tool
- WHAT your book should be about so you can build authority and expert status
- HOW to strategically “plan” your book, so it you can write it EASILY & QUICKLY
- SECRETS to getting your book “done” in 90 days or less without writing a word yourself
Here’s What’s Inside The Book …
This isn’t a thin eBook or glorified pamphlet.
It’ no-fluff content and real-world GET-IT-DONE knowledge, including:
- PLUS… much, much more…

Quick Start Audio Training
Blank Page to Bestseller in 90-Days or Less.
Listen to this MP3s on your phone, or computer. Or download it and play it in your car, or on your mobile device.

Instant Digital Download of
the Entire Book.
You’ll get instant access to the whole book, so you won’t have to wait for it in the mail …
And start taking action immediately.

Free Training To Become An Author
“Make this the year you finally write your book!”

The Secrets To Our Step-By-Step Process,
And How You Can Turn Your Book Into Your Most POWERFUL Marketing Tool.
And How You Can Turn Your Book Into Your Most POWERFUL Marketing Tool.
And you’ll learn…
- The ART and SCIENCE of Great Storytelling
- The difference between good storytelling and Great Storytelling
- How to use storytelling to create a More Powerful Brand
- The Top 7 Storytelling Techniques Used By The Most Inspiring TED Presenters
- PLUS: 3 Simple Steps tell a story that MOTIVATES and INSPIRES people to take action
Access Your copy of How To Write The Right Book now for only a small nominal Fees of Only
This is a Digital Copy OF the Book
Get the Audio Training, the entire book in a Digital Download, plus The Power Of Storytelling Training.
All I ask is that you cover a small fees of $17.00 For Digital Access
Considering that you can save months of time in just ONE lesson, in one chapter… this is a STEAL.
There’s just one catch …
I may decide to start charging for this book at any time. So act now to get this for a low nominal fees while you still can.
Click the button now and fill out your info to get Instant Access.

When you write the right book, you gain INSTANT:
Be great,

-Trevor Crane
11X Bestselling Author
Founder of Epic Author Publishing
Founder of Epic Author Publishing
Final Thing:
Yes, this is about you becoming an AUTHOR. It’s also about your LEGACY. And, I like to always focus on the upside of the MARKETING you can leverage to help you Earn More…
But it’s also about FREEDOM.
Your personal freedom.
*I hope to meet you soon in person.

You’ll discover how to WRITE THE RIGHT BOOK, turn your book into your MOST POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL, and learn how to MAKE MONEYduring the entire process … but you have to take the first step.
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Copyright © 2019 · TREVORCRANE.COM · All Rights Reserved
DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated or referenced herein are my personal sales figures or ones that from my clients. Please understand these results are not typical. And, I’m not implying you will duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing, e-commerce and advertising for many years, and I have an established a small following and some credibility as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information typically gets little to no results. I use these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and will depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, work ethic and many other variables. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. My statistics, and revenue and examples mentioned herein ARE MY RESULTS and they should not be taken as a guarantee or even an implication that you will get the same, or even remotely close results. My goal is to simply share with you, and teach you the strategies and techniques that I have used to create what I believe success looks like. I do not teach you, “how to make money.” Nor do I guarantee you’ll ever make any money from this or any of my books, programs or courses. In fact, I believe it’s more accurate to say that most people DO NOT MAKE A SINGLE PENNY with this or anything else they buy online.